This week, the workshop on PFAS remediation in action, organised by our sister project SCENARIOS, took place in Denmark. Floris Naus from our partner National Institute for Public Health and the Environment took part and even gave a presentation.

"It was a very useful gathering of the research done in SCENARIOS, coupled with presentations of private technology providers, and presentations of several sister projects like PROMISCES, ZeroPM and SOS-ZEROPOL2030.2", Floris tells us.

The workshop focused on remediation technologies, and how well they performed. During the workshop, it became quite clear that some technological solutions are ready to be applied, and eager to scale up.

Floris presented the Decision Support Framework and lessons learned from the PROMISCES co-creation workshops: "This was valuable input for the panel discussions on industry needs and the regulatory mechanisms", he says. "The panel discussion on the industry was quite optimistic, but from a legislative perspective, some more challenges were seen. Especially, the question of financing was brought up here."

Thanks to SCENARIOS for having us and to all the participants!


Pictures @Floris Naus.