Public Deliverables
- Deliverable D1.1 - Methods for PFAS in waters and complex matrices
- Deliverable D1.2 - Targeted methods for relevant iPM(T) substances in waters
- Deliverable D1.3 - Methods for global organic fluorinated content (TOP, TOF/AOF/EOF) for relevant matrices
- Deliverable D1.5 - Set of novel QSAR models/grouping/read-across and in vitro bioassay approaches predicting relevant toxicological endpoints for PFAS/iPM(T) chemicals
- Deliverable D1.6 - Guidance document for an enhanced HRIV concept for drinking water
- Deliverable D2.1 - Toolbox improved in silico models for identification of PMT properties
- Deliverable D2.2 - Characterization of PFAS and chlorinated solvent contamination in two aquifers in Spain
- Deliverable D2.6 - An improved SimpleBox model for improved environmental risk assessment and life cycle impact assessments
- Deliverable D4.2 - Planning & design tool for drinking water treatment for PFAS & industrial chemicals
- Deliverable D4.4 - Guidance document for upgrade and optimization of advanced wastewatertreatment
- Deliverable D4.5 - Mass flow and fate analysis for PFAS from landfill leachate in Bulgaria and Italy
Results, reports, abstracts and conference papers of PROMISCES - available on Zenodo.
Further results, reports, abstracts and conference papers of PROMISCES are available on GitHub.
Results and more information about PROMISCES are also available on the CORDIS platform by the European Commission.