Communication Materials

Layman's Report

The PROMISCES Layman’s Report, intended for the general public, summarizes the key results of the PROMISCES project, which focuses on addressing persistent, mobile, and toxic substances (PM(T)s), such as PFAS. It highlights innovative detection methods, risk assessment tools, and sustainable remediation technologies developed to manage these pollutants and protect human health and the environment. The report showcases how PROMISCES supports EU Green Deal objectives, contributing to a zero-pollution future by 2050 through safer reuse of resources and strengthened regulatory frameworks. 

PFAS Points

In our series PFAS Points, we want to introduce you to the topic of PFAS: What are PFAS? Why are they so dangerous? What is being done about them? And how does PROMISCES support the fight against PFAS?

Online Stakeholder Survey

We asked our stakeholders for their views on Persistent, Mobile (Toxic) substances and what their needs are in this area. 80 participants from 17 countries and more than 15 sectors such as utilities, local authorities and solution providers answered our questionnaire.

PROMISCES Project Videos on Youtube

You can now find the recordings of REMTECH 2024 on YouTube!