

September 20, 2024

On September 18, our PROMISCES session "PFAS treatment technologies for contaminated sites : soils, sediments and groundwater" took place at REMTECH Europe. During the session, the project was introduced. After that, our speakers gave all participants a deep dive into the PFAS treatment technologies that are used and developed in PROMISCES.

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September 5, 2024

This week, the workshop on PFAS remediation in action, organised by our sister project SCENARIOS, took place in Denmark. Floris Naus from our partner National Institute for Public Health and the Environment took part and even gave a presentation on the Decision Support Framework and the lessons learned from the PROMISCES co-creation workshops.

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Policy Brief: Achieving zero pollution by 2050 needs regulatory change

August 12, 2024

Together with our sister projects from the Green Deal Health Cluster, we published a Policy Brief: "Achieving zero pollution by 2050 needs regulatory change: a call for policy support of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)"

The Policy Brief has been developed especially for policy makers and provides key findings and recommendations from these projects that are deemed essential to achieve the goal of a zero-pollution Europe.

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Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

PROMISCES' session at REMTECH Europe 2024!


July 26, 2024

Save the date! On 18 September, 2024, PROMISCES will be attendig REMTECH Europe with a dedicated session about PFAS treatment technologies for contaminated sites.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of PFAS treatment technology discussions. 


                                         Learn more



2nd PROMISCES Review Meeting

July 19, 2024

On July 9, we had our second review meeting which was held online. During the meeting, all partners had the opportunity to present their results and to answer the questions of the reviewers. All went well and we are looking forward to further working on PROMISCES!

Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

PROMISCES at KWB WasserWerkstatt


July 18, 2024

On 9 July, 2024, our partners from Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin (KWB) hosted again a  "WasserWerkstatt". Regina Gnierss, Frederik Zietzschmann and Fiona RückbeilFrederik Zietzschmann from our partners Berliner Wasserbetriebe presented the PROMISCES Case Study 1 "PFAS and (i)PM(T) fate and remediation in the semi-closed urban water cycle".

KWB also published a video!



Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

PROMISCES' 2nd Newsletter out now!

April 30, 2024

We published our second newsletter!

Delve deeper into the case studies and their interesting findings - from the fate and migration of PFAS from soil contaminated by aqueous film forming foams to analysing stormwater runoff and monitoring PFAS at river bank filtration sites. It's definitely worth a read!

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Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

Webinar on "Remediating Contaminated Sites by Persistent, Mobile, and Toxic Substances: H2020 Projects Case Studies & Results"

March 11, 2024

Save the date! On 10 April, 2024, PROMISCES, ZeroPM and SCENARIOS are planning a webinar about PFAS remediation techniques.

The webinar is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into innovative solutions for addressing persistent, mobile, and toxic substances. Don't miss the chance to broaden your knowledge and engage with experts in the field.


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Card 1 Webinar

Kick-off meeting for CEN Workshop Agreement

February 23, 2024

On 15 February, we met for the kick-off meeting of our CEN Workshop on “Soil-sediment-water system - Solutions to deal with PMT/vPvM substances”! During this meeting, all participants got a deeper insight on what the CWA is about and an overview about the involved projects. Further, the project plan was introduced. The participants also had the opportunity to discuss the CWA topics and bring in their expertise.

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Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

PROMISCES at CWP's "Water Innovation Day"

16 February, 2024

PROMISCES was presented at the Catalan Water Partnership CWP "Water Innovation Day" on 14 February, 2024!

Our partner Maria José Muñoz from Consorci Besòs Tordera (CBT) not only told the audience in an elevator pitch about their tasks in the project but also explained Case Study 3. In this Case Study, CBT together with other partners is working on promoting the water reuse in the Besòs River basin. This is very important, especially in the dry areas of Catalonia where water restrictions and consumption cuts are often adopted due to the occurrence of severe droughts.

At the event, 15 innovative water projects were presented to ca. 135 people in the audience.

Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

Video of the second online webinar on "Models of Toxicology" now online

February 14, 2024

Did you miss the second online webinar on "Models of Toxicology" of our sister project ALTERNATIVE? No problem! You can now find the video of the webinar online to rewatch.

Our colleague Anita Sosnowska from QSAR Lab presented their Structure-based approach for predicting toxicity of PFAS at the webinar.


Watch the Video

Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

CEN Workshop Agreement


Great news ahead! PROMISCES, in collaboration with our sister projects ZeroPM and SCENARIOS, is developing a CEN Workshop Agreement focused on the soil-sediment-water system. This agreement aims to provide solutions for managing PMT/vPvM substances.


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PROMISCES at Ecomondo


At the Ecomondo 2023, PROMISCES will be represented at the European Commission stand. In addition, there will also be presentations about PROMISCES by partners.



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Article: More knowledge on PFAS in water


Our partners from Deltares recently published an article about PROMISCES in their deltalife magazine. To give an overview over the project and why it is so important, Deltares talked to Julie Lions, the project coordinator from BRGM.

Further, they tell more about their task in the project which is, e.g., developing in collaboration a model train to simulate the PFAS transportation. Here, artificial intelligence  and machine learning play a vital role.


Read the article

Flyer AquaConSoil Front V2.2

We published our first Newsletter

Find out what news there are in the world of PROMISCES, learn more about the project and have a look at our next events.


You don't want to miss the next newsletter? Register at the bottom of this page!
