Policy Brief: Achieving zero pollution by 2050 needs regulatory change


August 12, 2024

Together with our sister projects from the Green Deal Health Cluster, we published a Policy Brief: "Achieving zero pollution by 2050 needs regulatory change: a call for policy support of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)"

The Policy Brief is about "Achieving zero pollution by 2050 needs regulatory change: a call for policy support of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)".

The Policy Brief has been developed especially for policy makers and provides key findings and recommendations from these projects that are deemed essential to achieve the goal of a zero-pollution Europe.


The recommendations are:

1. Support using exposure, non-standard data and chemical grouping for regulatory action

2. Support the improvement and the validation process of NAMs

3. Support leveraging uncertainty assessment for NAM recognition

4. Provide support for the evolution of a NAM based next-generation regulation

5. Support for the initiative to develop a European roadmap to an animal-free regulatory system


Read Policy Brief