Meet the Team: ACEA

6 June, 2024


What are your main tasks in the project?

As a company of Acea Group, Acea Infrastructure is a company of the Acea Group that provides laboratory, engineering, research and innovation services in the water, environment, and energy sectors. In PROMISCES, we are involved in Work Packages (WPs) 1,3 and 4. In WP1, we develop analytical methods for PFAS on complex matrices and their application in two Italian case studies. In WP3, we apply the developed methods on a port sediment matrix. And in WP4, we apply the developed methods on leachate, sludge and permeate matrices.


What are your goals?

Our goal in the project is to obtain a robust sampling and analysis protocol for streams resulting from the treatment process of contaminated sediment and leachate. The matrices we work with are sediment, sludge, leachate, concentrated liquid waste and permeate. As for our work in WP1, our goal is to provide practitioners with analytical methods and procedures for routine monitoring of project matrices.


PROMISCES Meet the Team_ACEA.jpg

The Acea Team. @Acea

What do you particularly like about the project?

In PROMISCES, we enjoy engaging with experts in the field to improve our knowledge and explore topics essential to the development of our activities. Further, we like the emphasis on dissemination of the results achieved with a view to providing widespread knowledge on a common theme. Last but not least, there is something special about PROMISCES’ sense of collaboration that should accompany every project.


How does your work help the general public?

Acea Infrastructure is involved in the analysis of drinking water, wastewater, sludge and waste for nearly 4 million people. Thus, all relevant knowledge gained in the PROMISCES project will be directly implemented in our daily operation. In addition, through our corporate network, the knowledge gained in PROMISCES will be shared with other group companies engaged in water resource management.