New portal on PFAS and PMT substitution

PFAS and PMT portal on the Chemicals Subtsitutions website.
Since 2013, Ineris has hosted the “Chemicals substitution” website This website provides support to economic operators engaged in a substitution approach and promotes the dissemination of information and relevant tools. It has now been extended with a portal on PFAS and PMT (persistent, mobile and toxic substances) substitution.
The website initially focused on the substitution of bisphenols. It’s scope has then been extended to phthalates and alkylphenoles ethoxylates. The PROMISCES project has now allowed to add a new and very necessary extension in the context of the Green Deal and the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability: the portal on PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and PMT substitution.
The portal’s general aim is to gather information that is useful to stakeholders involved in the prevention of environmental contamination by PMTs and PFAS, from economic actors wishing to initiate a substitution process to public actors investigating about the availability of alternatives. The website presents these substances, the health and environmental issues to which they are linked, and their uses.
The portal also includes a “News” section offering a selection of events or pieces of news about PFAS and PMT substitution, and a “Regulation” section summarising which compounds are regulated under which regulatory frame.
The main section “Documentation” includes:
- A repository of useful links listing websites or online tools dedicated to substitution
- A repository of reports, technical guidance, etc. that has been published on that topic
- A FAQ section providing answers to the most generic questions about chemical substitution
Should there be any question or remark, you can use the "Contact" section to get in touch with us. We’ll be glad to hear your feedback on the website and its ergonomics, to add topics in the FAQ, and to upgrade the repositories with the most recent results and studies. This site is here to stay and will be continually updated to respond as effectively as possible to the challenges posed by environmental contamination by persistent, mobile and toxic substances.

Structure of the PFAS and PMT portal. @INERIS